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Jodi McErlane Staff Photo

Lesson Plans 

The following are skills and activities that we will be working on during the first two months of school.

Social Development:

·         Getting to know one another and see how they are alike and different.  When you know and care about your classmates, you are more likely to have empathy for one another during disagreements.

·         Understand and follow the Trojan Traits-Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. 

·         Working with a partner

·         Showing active listening by recalling important information that is shared

·         Sharing information with a partner or class in a clear and concise manner

·         Be able to ask and answer questions



·         Review letter/sound identification

·         Review sight vocabulary from Kindergarten and begin learning new sight words

·         Realize that words are all around us

·         While reading out loud, talk about story elements:  characters, setting and key events in a story

·         Blend three letter words:  cat,    fig,   sap,  lip

·         Learn how to Read to Self

·         Learn how to Read with Someone



·         Kidwriting-how to stretch words out to listen for their sounds

·         Using a dictionary-picture dictionaries and individual student dictionaries

·         Spacing- using big spaces between words{meatball spaces} and small spaces inside words{spaghetti spaces}

·         Learn to write on a single topic

·         Learn how to write a letter



·         Identify 2D shapes-circle, square, rectangle, trapezoid, hexagon, triangle, rhombus,

·         Taking apart and putting together shapes to make new ones

·         Understand the term  half and a quarter of a shape

·         Identify 3D shapes-cone, cylinder, cube, rectangular prism, pyramid

·         Solve, using manipulatives, addition and subtraction facts within 20

·         Learn about fact families[2,3 and 5 are a fact family-2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-3=2, 5-2+3}